Thursday 10 October 2013

Nigerian Girl Raped & Buried Alive In Bonny Island, Lagos – Corpse Exhumed 12 hours After

nigerian girl raped buried alive bonny island
 Nigerian Girl Raped & Buried Alive In Bonny Island, Lagos – Corpse Exhumed 12 hours After
This is an evil act. Raping a young lady and burying her alive. But thank God for Nigerian army who uncover this evil act after 12 hrs. Girls be warned…mind who you are going out with! Cultism is on the increase among the Nigeria youths….why this killings everyday! God Please have mercy on us.
Me have seen man’s inhumanity against fellow man but this is the peak of it all. Whatever her crime, no human deserve such savagery. My prayer is that y’all will leave to reap what you have sown. Indeed the world is coming to an end…

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